Download PDF A Knight in Shining Armor Jude Deveraux 9781451665635 Books

By Nelson James on Sunday, April 14, 2019

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Product details

  • Paperback 416 pages
  • Publisher Gallery Books; Reprint edition (March 27, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1451665636

A Knight in Shining Armor Jude Deveraux 9781451665635 Books Reviews

  • This was the very first book of Jude Deveraux's that I read, many years ago and talk about getting hooked. After reading Knight in Shining Armor I spent the next few years going through Deveraux's works, in order, once I figured out that they followed the lineage of a couple of families. If I'm not mistaken this one is actually somewhere in the middle, I think.

    I love time travel books that give me a glimpse of how we might perceive things in the past and vice versa and I think this was the book that awakened that desire.

    I've read this book at least twice but I believe I will download it to my kindle and as it's going to be a rainy weekend this will be the perfect book to curl up with.

    Another book I read about the same time as Knight that also goes on my all time favorite books I would recommend is "The Mirror" by Marlys Millhiser. Time travel and body switching.
  • I was given a copy of this book not long after it came out 29 years ago. I loved it to the point where I re-read it every year. I added it to my a few years ago and still read it yearly. I recently discovered the "why I wrote this book" in the back of the edition and re-read the book, hoping to read the book with a different mindset. I do understand the author's thoughts about why she wrote the book, but truly, I did find Dougless' constant crying annoying. The character really didn't have as much depth to her either. Things occurred in the book that didn't make any sense either. Dougless worried about singing modern songs to 16th century people ruining their popularity in modern times, yet never hesitated to use a calculator while 16th century maids were embroidering? There was far too much that made zero sense and I hated the ending just as much as I have every time I read the book. Nicholas and his family were religious believers and then reincarnation of one's soul comes out. Maybe a sequel is called for or additional chapters, but that last chapter left me wanting. I probably will not re-read this one again. Maybe reading so many time travel books, of which I am addicted to, have tainted me to a story that is now 29 years old. Maybe Outlander ruined me for this particular romance book. I'm shocked the author has received so many awards for the book. I gave it three stars instead of one because the interest for me lay in the present day section and the 16th century section and how Dougless changes history in a good way. In the end ... this book needs a good re-write.
  • This book has been on my most favorite books since I first read it in 1989. I have read it 2 or 3 times since then but I still cried at the end when I finished it this morning.

    Ms. Deveraux's attention to details is fantastic, who knew that the Elizabethans swaddled their toddlers and hung them on pegs to keep them out of everything . That was one fact that has been stuck in my mind since my first reading. I have loved all her Montgomery books and they have become my go to books when I need to get swept away and just sigh. thank you
  • When I first read this book in hard cover my eldest daughter was 3 years I said then that I would save it for her when she was grown I gave it to her when she turned 21 she still has the book at 31, and reads it at least once a year and saving it for her daughter when she can appreciate and loved it as we have. I hope they never ruin it by making a movie out of it, cause you need your own imagination in order for the book to come to life. Thank you Jude for your creation from your imagination to ours
  • I literally just finished this book for the first time, it also being my first Jude Deveraux book. I consider my self a picky reader, and was hesitant to read this book mostly based on the title. Anyway, I just absolutely loved it. For the life of me, I cannot understand the few negative reviews I've read. This book drew me in from the second I opened it and my heart quickly became emotionally entangled w these characters. I always look for a book that has a good story line, is well written, has good character development, and makes me shed a tear or two. I found it here for sure. This one will go in the bookshelf with my other top favorites. I still have mixed emotions about the ending.. Regardless, You HAVE to read this book!
  • I used to read Jude Deveraux books a long time ago but somehow missed this book. I love time travel romances also, so when I found out about this book I had to read it. I was lucky enough to catch the book on sale too! The only thing I hated about the book was the heroine's name. I don't know why I just hated it. The story was good though, and after reading about the spoiled brat and boyfriend, you will want to reach through the pages and strangle both of them. I also liked how the story broke off into two sections( when he comes through to her time and then she goes back to his time), which is a little different than some time travel books I have read. The ending was delightful and heartfelt. Definitely a book that is an oldy but goody and well worth anyone reading at least once.
  • I found the main character, Dougless, extremely annoying and pathetic. Perhaps when this book was first published she would have been seen as a strong female lead? Somehow I doubt it. In addition, I never felt like I truly got to know the hero of the story. His character seemed a bit flat and one dimensional. I finished reading this book a couple of weeks ago and can’t remember how it ended honestly. The time travel aspects of the story, especially in the second half of the story, are simply just not well thought out. I wasn’t by any means expecting historical accuracy, but it’s simply ridiculous and completely unbelievable. I have read other books by this author that I enjoyed. This one I definitely don’t recommend.