Download PDF The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents It Your Time to Rise and Shine The Miracle Morning Book Series Volume 2 Hal Elrod Michael J Maher Michael Reese Jay Kinder Honoree Corder 9781942589006 Books

By Nelson James on Sunday, April 14, 2019

Download PDF The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents It Your Time to Rise and Shine The Miracle Morning Book Series Volume 2 Hal Elrod Michael J Maher Michael Reese Jay Kinder Honoree Corder 9781942589006 Books,204,203,200_.jpg

Product details

  • Series The Miracle Morning Book Series (Book 2)
  • Paperback 184 pages
  • Publisher Miracle Morning Publishing; First edition (November 21, 2014)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 194258900X

The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents It Your Time to Rise and Shine The Miracle Morning Book Series Volume 2 Hal Elrod Michael J Maher Michael Reese Jay Kinder Honoree Corder 9781942589006 Books Reviews

  • This book has changed my world. When you realize that 95% of all CEOs rise at 6 AM or earlier, you know that there must be something there tied to their success. Reading the Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents has been the genesis of turning my natural night owl into an early bird. I now wake up at 6 AM or earlier looking forward to the morning ritual instead of shutting off the alarm for an extra 10 minutes or more of sleep.

    I have spent thousands of dollars on coaching and read many books and internet articles on self development, but nothing has rocked my world like this little book and the corresponding #30Mornings 30-minute webinar coaching with Michael Maher. I signed up half way through the January event, then signed up again to take the whole 30 Mornings in order and if you do it, it will be life changing. What has been so powerful to me is the gradual ease of how they teach you to turn your routine around. Over 30 Mornings, you develop self discipline and specificity in goal making incrementally. Other coaching and articles told me WHAT to do, but Miracle Morning told me HOW to do it.

    If you want to take your business and your life to the next level and beyond, I highly recommend reading this book. I bought extra copies and gave them to the owner and COO of our company, and when I told my doctor at a recent check up what I was doing, she wanted to know about it. I can see our company doing this as a company event and then the individual 30 Mornings follow up - that is how passionate my opinion is of what is taught here. Hope this was helpful.
  • This book changed my life. Literally. Everything from my relationships to career are improved.
    It is very easy to read and incorporates an underlying story to make it relatable.
    I used to wake up the last minute and rush around just so I could get a few more minutes of desperately needed sleep. Now I sleep sounder and no longer need melatonin. I wake up and feel at peace and motivated.
  • There's a reason cliches are cliches-they've been proven true so often they're boring! Still, this book re-invigorates the heart of what we ALL know to be true, but don't practice, because, because, because.....The Miracle Morning Series challenges you, by telling a SUPER relatable story, to get off your butt and take RESPONSIBILITY for your days, your health, your LIFE, by starting EVERY morning on the RIGHT foot for 30 days. Then 30 days more, then 30 days more-get the picture? Success is a LIFELONG journey, my loves, so you might as well set your alarm clock for 6am and FACE the music in the most positive and powerful way possible. Miracle Mornings forever, for this kid )
  • I am a new real estate broker and the insight and knowledge this book provides is invaluable! I have just finished the first week of my 30 day challenge and I can already see and feel a difference in my life! I can’t wait to look back a year from now and see how successful I’ve become! Thanks Hal!
  • Wow. Stop what you are doing right now. Cancel any plans that you have for tomorrow and use that time to read this book. It is that good. I have become a full fledge Miracle Morningist and have never looked back. Take notes and start to implement the specific steps before you are even done with the book.
  • I was looking for a productivity book while working one morning. And I stumbled on Miracle Morning because of the good reviews and ratings it had. I just wanted to get started on the right path to productivity and prosperity. So I decided to give it a go, and I haven't regretted it. Miracle Morning puts it all into perspective quickly, and with its hands on structure, you can apply all its principles to your life immediately. Making you want to read the book cover to cover in just a week. Highly recommend this book if your looking for a fresh new star and view on your work life.
  • Changed my life in multiple ways. Outlook is better, routine is better. Motivates me to be a better person .
  • This book was a great outline if the simple things you can do that will greatly change your life. If your looking forms magic pill or quick fix you won't find it here but what you will find is the basic steps that will guarantee success. Done consistently, you will have no choice but to grow everyday and prosper in all areas of life. This book is great for the person just starting on their journey to the top or an achiever just looking to sharpen the saw!