Read Online Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage 6th Edition Softcover Mark F Beck 9781285187587 Books

Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Mas¬sage, Sixth Edition, comprehensively provides the foundation of knowledge required to become a massage professional. It delves into several areas within the profession, with chapters devoted to spa massage, lymph massage, clinical massage techniques, therapeutic procedure, athletic massage, massage in medicine, and more. Providing a fresh new design, updated terminology and expanded content on topics such as research literacy and business administration, this new edition provides the essential knowledge and skills needed to become a successful massage therapist and will be a reference that users can count on throughout their careers.
Read Online Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage 6th Edition Softcover Mark F Beck 9781285187587 Books
"Though it has a hefty price tag, this book remains THE CLASSIC for beginning students of professional massage and bodywork. And although I've been a certified therapist since 1991, I still keep the book on my reference shelf (several editions, actually).
So if this text is required for your classes, grit your teeth and buy it; the scope of material should continue to serve you long after graduation.
Let me also add that there's an even better massage text available here on Amazon: BASIC CLINICAL MASSAGE THERAPY by James H. Clay."
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Tags : Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 6th Edition (Softcover) [Mark F. Beck] on . Theory Practice of Therapeutic Mas¬sage, Sixth Edition, comprehensively provides the foundation of knowledge required to become a massage professional. It delves into several areas within the profession,Mark F. Beck,Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 6th Edition (Softcover),Milady,128518758X,Massage Reflexotherapy,Beauty Grooming - General,Beauty Wellness,Fashion Grooming,HEALTH FITNESS / Beauty Grooming,HEALTH FITNESS / General,HEALTH FITNESS / Massage Reflexology,Health Fitness,Health Fitness/Massage Reflexology,Health/Fitness,MEDICAL / Allied Health Services / Massage Therapy,Massage,Massage Therapist,Massage Therapy,Massage Therapy; Massage Therapist; Beauty Wellness; Massage; body mechanics; lymph massage; clinical massage; classical massage; sports massage; massage technique,Non-Fiction,Scholarly/Undergraduate,TEXTBOOK,Textbooks (Various Levels),body mechanics,classical massage,clinical massage,lymph massage,massage technique,sports massage,Beauty Grooming - General,HEALTH FITNESS / Beauty Grooming,HEALTH FITNESS / General,HEALTH FITNESS / Massage Reflexology,Health Fitness/Massage Reflexology,MEDICAL / Allied Health Services / Massage Therapy,Fashion Grooming,Health Fitness,Health/Fitness
Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage 6th Edition Softcover Mark F Beck 9781285187587 Books Reviews :
Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage 6th Edition Softcover Mark F Beck 9781285187587 Books Reviews
- Though it has a hefty price tag, this book remains THE CLASSIC for beginning students of professional massage and bodywork. And although I've been a certified therapist since 1991, I still keep the book on my reference shelf (several editions, actually).
So if this text is required for your classes, grit your teeth and buy it; the scope of material should continue to serve you long after graduation.
Let me also add that there's an even better massage text available here on BASIC CLINICAL MASSAGE THERAPY by James H. Clay. http//www./gp/product/0781756774/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 - This workbook is written to accompany Beck's Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage. However, there are places where the definitions to the vocabulary are missing in the book, where questions or labeling are answered in a future chapter, and where the questions are worded so differently from the book it takes outside research to answer them. Most workbook chapters have at least one of these mistakes and many have several of them making the workbook not only difficult, but confusing. Our teachers have even had a hard time helping us find answers in the book. At times, even the answers that they have from the teacher's guide are clearly wrong or at best confusing. I understand that workbooks are meant to make you think and really get a grasp on the material, but I believe that this should be accomplished without leaving the student confused.
- This book does a nice job of covering a LOT of topics for massage therapists. The information is presented in clear terms, with definitions highlighted and easy to find throughout each chapter. The pictures, tables, and diagrams are all superb. It's fun to read, and a perfect reference for all kinds of questions or curiosities. It has a lot of practical advice, and provides useful resources and websites you can check out. I absolutely love it! Some textbooks I will sell back after a class is over. I'm keeping this one.
- This book was not edited well at all. One or two mistakes would be acceptable, but there are too many to be counted. Apparently the author helped to create the MBLEX, so I will see how valuable the massage information is when I take the exam.
The worst part of this book is the anatomy portion. It is as if five different people collaborated on the charts in the sections on the muscles and refused to use the same terminology. If you do not have a good grasp on anatomy it will be completely confusing. Save your time and get a Trail Guide to the Body. The Trail Guide will explain things much better and the pictures are great. If you use both to learn the anatomy the Theory and Practice book will show its inconsistencies. - I love this book! So happy we needed it for class. Its very informative about the history of massage. Thats as far in as we are, but its written so wonderfully I have started reading chapters ahead because it has so much information I want to know! Several chapters on marketing and having your own practice. A full section on spa services and even a few spa recipes. Descriptions of different modalities plus photos of the moves. I highly recommend this book!
EDIT I reviewed this book soon after buying it and reading through a good portion of it. Sadly, in Ohio we only need to know about 3-4 chapters from this entire book that are on the State Board Medical Exam. Save your money, split the cost with other students in class. This was unneeded and its so annoying that the school said we needed it, only to find out later we won't even be tested (when it counts) on more than half the book! I no longer highly recommend this book, in fact I would rather suggest you borrow it from the library or another student, or if you must buy it, get it super cheap used, with hi-lights, somewhere else! Sorry - We are using this book in our massage classes and while it teaches the things it should, it is poorly written. It will often use several different terms over the course of several paragraphs without explaining that it is talking about the same thing. The grammar is incorrect in several places making it difficult to understand. There are places in the glossary where words are misspelled, and at least one place, that looks like the sentences were cut and pasted back together leaving the letters jumbled. Also, there are some terms that are defined one way in one chapter and in another chapter, they are defined so differently that it is confusing. It even contradicts itself on some things from one chapter to another. I can understand that all books have mistakes, but I have read fiction that had better grammar and no spelling errors. At the price we pay for college textbooks, I believe that they should be edited carefully and should teach their material clearly.
- This is a well written Book . The presentation and the pictures are very clear. Can be used as a text book for students and reference for practitioners.
- Nice book looks brand new