Download PDF Lifting the Veil Risen eBook John O'Brien

By Nelson James on Monday, April 15, 2019

Download PDF Lifting the Veil Risen eBook John O'Brien

Product details

  • File Size 10768 KB
  • Print Length 321 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1090428685
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 19, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Lifting the Veil Risen eBook John O'Brien Reviews

  • I feel very in awe of the conclusion to Lifting the Veil. From the beautiful valley full of people working together to build something good to the city full of people tortured and hung from crosses, blood flowing to the wells of darkness and fire, comes the fight to free the land from darkness. An epic battle, fraught with demons, archangels, sceptres, dragons and the fallen angels. The story is magnificant and I really wish I could see Archangel Michael, dressed for battle, wings spread, shield in place. Excellent, thought provoking book, well done John O’Brien.
  • Ok. The other books carried the Revelation of John O'Brien to Risen. The villains are building a gate with which they plan to take the war to heaven. They have to torture innocent victims to make it work. Lucifer uses his minions and leaders in the worse way possible while the Archangel Michael counters with his faithful. It is war, but more supernatural/terrible than past wars. Pop some popcorn and get a front row seat to the drama unfolding. Who will win?
  • This book is such a better ending than I could have hoped for. The series started off slow but finished as it should. With a huge bang.
    Another series started off fast then floundered at the end.
    This one was a pure joy to read.
    I am not say enough good things about what I have just read.
    I loved this series.
    G-d bless
  • What an amazing conclusion to the series. I have read all of this authors books, and can only wait with anticipation for him to write more.
    Thank you for taking the time to share your books with us.
  • I cannot say enough about this 4 book mini series. From the first installment to the finale, it has left me stunned and in some cases speechless. As his fans have come to understand and know, Mr. O'Brien does extensive research when writes a book or series. This is no different and for this series, literally, The Devil is in the details.
    John O'Brien's discription of the scenarios are at once beautiful, serene and peaceful. At the same time as terrifying and horrific as they are intense, sad, and above all else, hopeful.
    But I urge the reader(s) to please don't look at this series as about religion or prophecy although many will take it as such. While he has separated both worlds/realities in their struggle for survival, he has also integrated them so that the eternal struggle of good verses evil is in full display although not as vulgar as it could be. He will leave much of that to your imagination.
    This is about man/mankind and what they will do (and have done) to their fellow man. It is about power and control, about who is the best suited for leading or destroying. It is about who can best judge man and decide the fate of mankind whom can be and are at times so apathetic they just 'follow the leader' without much question no matter what their senses or eyes tell them just so they don't have to make the hard choices or decisions.
    But it is also about hope, kindness and sacrifice. It is about realizing your past mistakes whether intentional or not. It is about mistakes made and forgiveness and hope where there might be none and standing for what you believe in and hoping that you yourself don't fall in the trap that is dispair and apathy.
    The fact that we have angels and demons, the greatest among each group, makes this much more compelling because the struggle on both sides are as separate as they are much the same.(if that makes sense).
    John O'Brien has taken us from one roller coster emotion to the next and given us a stark reality of what might be coming our way even though this is strictly a book of fiction. But is it really?
    We have seen this type of apocalypse happen in other countries, but are too caught up in our own world that it does not penetrate that wall we have built around our senses.
    This mini series will open your eyes if you read between the lines, or you will merely say it was a great book/series. Look past the religious connotations and see the hidden story; mankind will destroy everything around him just to make a point or as a means to an end.
    But Mankind can also rise above it all and create life and beauty. It is the connundrum of humanity and so very well written in this series. John O'Brien has a gift to see in his mind what he envisions then places it all down for us to see as well and it is to our benefit because we are the recipiants of such a wonderful imagination.
    Like I said, look past the Angels and demons although admittedly it will be hard to do but here you can make up our own mind. Which you must as you complete the series.
    Once again I salute you Mr. O'Brien for a well written and wonderful series.